Funny thing happened at class today. One child was absent but showed up about five minutes late with his mom. I stopped class and asked the mom, "Oh, did you forget we had magic class today?" "No" she replied, "my son has a soar throat and didn't go to school today but insisted on coming to magic class." Now, I have had mom's tell me in the past how their child was out sick earlier in the week but felt much better on magic class day and wanted to go to school. This was the first time the mom let their child come on the same day they were absent! Aw, the healing power of Magic Class!!!

I love the creativity of the kids when making accessories for Mr. Fingers' eyes! The newest one is a hair piece that looks like a George Washington wig or Pippy Longstocking's hair. Funny!!! Oh, and another one is a shark fin or Mohawk. Cool.