Today was my small class. Only twelve eager little sponges. A satisfying but magically unsound report by one of my students: his dad liked a trick so much he asked his son to keep repeating it. How can a child not keep doing it when asked by a parent even though they are breaking Rule Number 2 in magic? I do like it when they fool their parents!
Tested out two new magic tricks with them. The Zig Zag Magician based on the a famous illusion in magic, The Zig Zag Girl. It is half puzzle, half oddity and one could ask how is it magic. I like to bring in challenges to perception and this fits that category nicely.
The other trick was a magic prediction effect. It was an off the shelf effect to test on the kids before I re-work it for the course. After the graphics and instructions are made more kid friendly it should be fun. Unlike many other prediction effects this one has a different outcome each time.