Last night I was talking with a professional woman who works in a law office. She makes good money working nine to five. She was lamenting however that she also has to commute over two hours a day to the west side of
Los Angeles. Oh, and that one of her bosses is a real sour puss. (Those are not the words she used, I had to change a few words to protect the innocent!) This boss is a real complainer about the clients she has to deal with, the quality and speed of work getting done in the office and even co- workers. My friend was telling me how other workers in other offices around the country won’t take or return her calls. More complaining is done about that! It is no wonder that others don’t want to talk to and be dragged down by this boss.
Contrast this to
teaching magic classes. My kids come running to class. Getting there first is an honor that kids brag about to others coming in after them. They are eager to learn. They ask what day is today? (As in “what is the theme?”) And give out cheers or oohs and ahs when they hear it is
Optical Illusion day or
Circus day. They quiet down when asked to so we can move on. They light up when explaining how they fooled their mom or dad with last weeks tricks. They give hugs on the last day of class saying they are sad class is over. They actually say thank you without a parent cueing them. I always say how I would rather perform for a room full of kids than drunks any day of the week. Now I get to say I would rather work with a room full of kids than office with sour pusses. Hopefully you agree how lucky we are.