Do you like chocolate? I like chocolate. Since I learned
dark chocolate is good for you all the guilt went away. I eat half a small
Trader Joe’s dark chocolate bar every evening. I break it into little chunks. Some I bite and let them turn into a thick goo in my mouth and others I let melt all the way down into a little sliver of deliciousness. Mmmmm… sorry, I drifted off to the land of chocolate for a moment.
What does this have to do with magic? Some people don’t like to work with kids. Some magicians don’t like to perform for kids. They don’t relate to them, know what they really like or really want to relate to them. As I like to say, I would rather work for a room full of kids than a room full of drunks any day of the week. If you give kids what they want, that is to have fun, they will show their appreciation of you in many ways.
As I finished up one of my classes, a student brought me a little black gift bag. Inside was a thank you card in which she had written and a very cool chocolate bar. What makes a chocolate bar cool? Well, it was labeled “
Invisible Chocolate!” Along with stars, a magic wand and the tag line that read, “Watch as this chocolate bar disappears before your very eyes!” Funny and a very sweet gift.
Through the years I have come to appreciate more and more what my students give back in enthusiasm and gratitude. So why do some people don’t like to work with kids? They just don’t know them.